At Ocean Medical Clinic we have an array of treatments for your wellbeing


Our amazing doctor, Dr Gloria Garcia, is a specialist in the removal of Varicose Veins. Varicose veins may not cause any pain but may be very visible. Some people often find that they become self-conscious during the summer months and would like them removed. This can be done very easily, first you must identify the signs that you may have varicose veins, these include:

  • Veins that are dark purple or blue in colour

  • Veins that appear twisted and bulging; they are often like cords or spider webs on your legs

When painful signs and symptoms occur it is even more of a reason to seek medical advice, these symptoms may include:

  • An achy or heavy feeling in your legs

  • Burning, throbbing, muscle cramping and swelling in your lower legs

  • Worsened pain after sitting or standing for a long time

  • Itching around one or more of your veins

  • Skin discolouration around a varicose vein

Our specialist will assess the problem area, conduct an ultrasound, create a report and recommend the best treatment type for you. This treatment will be laser vein removal, Sclerotherapy or a combination treatment of both methods.

Sclerotherapy is a method done via injection to the veins directly. The foam solution causes the vein to scar, forcing blood to reroute through healthier veins. The collapsed vein is reabsorbed into local tissue and eventually fades, often on the first session the vein will disappear drastically.


Facial Spider Veins

Another type is spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but they're smaller. Spider veins are found closer to the skin's surface and are often red or blue. Spider veins occur on the legs, but can also be found on the face. Broken blood vessels on the face are enlarged blood vessels that occur just beneath the surface of the skin. The resulting red, web-shaped appearance gives them their common name, spider veins.

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